Beyond Diet Newsletter Since I am 1 out of probably a million people who LOVES chocolate (yes, I know, there are a few strange people out there that don’t), I’m always looking for creative and healthy ways to add chocolate into my nutritious meal plans. This isn’t an easy task. Most chocolates and chocolate desserts aren’t exactly weight loss friendly. Lucky for you and me, I just got word of a new chocolate protein powder that fits all the necessary DSP requirements. Most of you know, I am not a huge fan of supplements (or protein powders for that matter) so the number of supplements I promote are very few and far between. Out of the hundreds of protein powders that get sent my way for review, this is only the 2nd that I feel is worth telling all of my wonderful readers about. Whey Chocolate Protein Powder Why is this one so great? Well, it is made with RAW milk that comes from GRASS FED cows and processed at low temperatures so not to destroy any essential components of the protein. Not only that, it also contains NO artificial sweeteners or ingredients. Finding a protein powder that fits all of those requirements is extremely rare! How can you use this protein powder? I would always love for you to choose whole foods first, but when in a pinch or just looking for a delicious treat, here are a few healthy ways to use this raw whey protein powder: Delicious Chocolate Pudding I shared this recipe a few weeks ago and people loved it. Not to mention, I love it! Peanut Butter Cup Protein Shake Simple and easy and perfect if you love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. Chocolate Strawberry Oatmeal This has become 1 of my favorite breakfasts or post workout meal. Grab some of this delicious protein powder so you can try these recipes here: Whey Chocolate Protein Powder If you come up with another delicious way to use this protein powder, please send your recipe my way. We’ll be sure to share it with thousands of other DSP followers. There’s nothing like a yummy chocolate bar as a part of a healthy meal plan, right? In health and happiness,  Isabel De Los Rios Certified Nutritionist Certified Exercise Specialist * Check out what's happening right now on Beyond Diet | | | "I tried the DSP to lose ten pounds, which I did, but my biggest reward was "losing" terrible headaches and "gaining" good health for the rest of my life." | -Dianne, Michigan | | | |  It's our mission to get over a million people to shed their belly fat, fit into clothes that once were tight, have supportive friends, prevent diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer just by eating delicious foods that are also good for them. | Replies to this message are not monitored. Our Customer Service team is available to assist you here: Contact Us
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