Beyond Diet Newsletter First, I want to thank everyone for all of their wonderful baby wishes. As you may have heard, my second son was born earlier this week and I couldn’t be more overjoyed. I am home, relaxing and enjoying the new addition to our family. While I was at home, resting and waiting for my labor to “kick in”, I did spend some time reading a few other fitness and nutrition blogs (as I do very often) and always love to share great information with you. Today’s article was written by my good friend Dr. Kareem F. Samhouri, one of the most knowledgeable and professional physical therapists and trainers I’ve met in this industry. Below he gives you 3 very important points to remember when following any exercise routine whose goal is to enhance fat loss. There are many different ways to exercise and each one has its own specific end goal, but if losing fat is your highest priority, you want to be sure your exercise routine is specifically focused on that (and not on something else). 3 Things You NEED To Do While Exercising <--- {Fat Loss Formula} I would definitely get out a pen and paper because Dr. Kareem shares some specific exercise examples that you may want to make note of and add in to your current workout routine. >> 3 Things You NEED To Do While Exercising <--- (Kareem’s article) In health and happiness,  Isabel De Los Rios Certified Nutritionist Certified Exercise Specialist * Click here to discuss with others! | | "Well I just joined. I have to say I have been thrilled with Isabel's guidance and counsel. I started this "quest" for health and vitality through lifestyle change at 262 lbs. That was 7 months ago. Today I am 228 and still moving toward my goal of 205, which was my playing weight when I was a collegiate football player at Stanford University over 30 years ago. I never imagined I could actually achieve that weight and level of fitness again in my life...thanks Isabel for your encouragement and expertise. When talking with my friends about "how I got here" I tell them my greatest source of help was from my "personal nutrionist Isabel De Los Rios" ! :-)" | - William Phoenix, AZ | | | Will you join our mission? It's our mission to get over a million people to shed their belly fat, fit into clothes that once were tight, have supportive friends, prevent diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer just by eating delicious foods that are also good for them. | Replies to this message are not monitored. Our Customer Service team is available to assist you here: Contact Us
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