Beyond Diet Newsletter I am no different. I especially remember when I was pregnant, not only was I a bit more tired, I also craved sweet foods a lot more than I ever had before (my baby must take after my husband in that department). I know that a nasty sweet tooth can be a real problem for a lot of people (not just pregnant folk). Many times cravings are an indication that you are not eating your meals in the right combination or in the right proportions. That is why it is so important to find out your Metabolism Type (there is a whole chapter dedicated to this in The Program Manual) and find exactly how many portions of each food you should be eating based on those results (there is a whole set of chapters dedicated to this topic in The Program Manual). If you are following your healthy meal plans and the sugar monster is still out to get you, here are some healthy ways that I have been using myself to satisfy my sweet cravings: 1. Cut up some fresh fruit (berries, an apple, a pear, 1/2 banana) and put 1 tsp of raw, natural honey on top. One teaspoon goes a long way and gives your already sweet fruit a bit more of a kick. 2. Drink some Tea Juice (this is the first recipe in your Program Recipes). Essentially it is herbal tea sweetened with Stevia and cooled to be enjoyed as a cold drink. This really hits the spot at 3pm when I "think" I want a sweet treat, but this naturally sweetened beverage is enough to calm my cravings. 3. Mix some almond or peanut butter with unsweetened organic apple sauce and sprinkle cinnamon on top. YUMMY! This has been my pregnancy favorite! A great mid morning or afternoon snack. 4. Cut up one apple, spread almond butter or peanut butter on top and sprinkle some crushed raw cacao or organic dark chocolate on top. 5. A fruity herbal tea sweetened with Stevia or xylitol in the evening is perfect right before bed to calm you after a busy day. Remember you want to stay away from processed sugar and artificial sweeteners as much as possible. I personally use Stevia for all of my sweetening needs, but I know many people who also enjoy xylitol, which is also a great choice. I think the best tasting Stevia can be found HERE. And now I'm off to make myself #3. Yes, my favorite! In health and happiness,  Isabel De Los Rios Certified Nutritionist Certified Exercise Specialist * Click here to discuss with others! | |  | "My blood work showed my sugar level reached a diabetic status. I started the plan and lost 20 lbs and lowered the sugar level to pre-diabetic in 3 months. Still working todrop more weight and lower the sugar even more. THANKS!" | -Judy, New Jersey | | | Will you join our mission? It's our mission to get over a million people to: - shed their belly fat
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