
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Can you see your new body already?

I was remembering back several years ago when I used to do one on one client coaching, I had a great call with a client.  It was actually her last coaching call with me and I wanted to be sure that I left her with all the “tools” she needed to maintain and continue her incredible weight loss success.
Me: “What do you think will be the most difficult challenge for you moving forward?”
I was expecting an answer like traveling, going out to dinner, maybe even cravings, but that was not the case.

Client: “Isabel, the hardest thing for me is the mental part of losing weight.  I see how successful I’ve been and I clearly see the results in the mirror, but I still find myself doing a lot of negative self talk.  It’s almost like I know I’m going to blow it, just like I have so many other times.”
WOW - Talk about honesty.  And I know she is not the only person who is going through the same thing.  I can remember years ago when I first lost all of my weight, I would get compliments from people and I would always think to myself, “Yeah, whatever, let’s see how long this really lasts.”

But there is a reason why the FIRST chapter in your Program Manual is about MENTAL PREPARATION because this is an ESSENTIAL first step.  It doesn’t matter how good the information is, how easy I have made it for you, or how delicious the food is.  If you’re going to talk yourself out of your own success all day, then you might as well just throw in the towel now (in this case, walk away from the computer and stop reading).

So how exactly did I overcome this common hurdle?  Here are some strategies I use even today in my life that keep me focused, motivated and always working towards my goal.

1.        I start each and every morning with a gratitude list.  This is non-negotiable.  It takes me no more than 3 minutes and it changes my spirits for the entire day.  How’s setting aside 3-5 minutes for a joyous rest of the day?  Worth it, right?   I write “I am so grateful for…” and then just write, write and write.  For me that list always includes my family, my health and my work.  I wouldn’t start any day without this.

2.       I go to sleep each night playing my personal mind movie in my head as I go to sleep.  What is a personal mind movie?  Basically, it’s you imagining yourself looking, feeling and doing whatever it is you would do if you achieved your health and weight loss goals.  Imagine yourself in a particular outfit, at a party getting compliments, participating in some awesome athletic event.  Athletes have actually used this strategy for decades with much success.  This approach helps me to fall asleep happy and is much better than lying there thinking about all the things I have to do the next day or harping on stressful events.  I sleep so much better at night like this.

3.       Only talk to yourself as you would a small child (This one is my favorite and given to me by my best friend Jackie).  Would you tell your children all day long that they were never going to achieve their goals, that they should stop trying or that they shouldn’t even try in the first place?  No, I sure hope you wouldn’t.  You would encourage them, give them hope, and tell them that anything is possible with hard work.  Treat yourself, in your own mind, the way you would want to speak to your children or better yet, the way you would want others to speak to your children or speak to you.

Keep your eyes on the prize because the prize of the body you are dreaming about is within your reach.  If I can do it, so can YOU. Tell yourself how awesome you are and how this time you are changing your life and there is no looking back.

Speaking of keeping your eye on the prize, if you’re really ready to jump start your progress (and I mean REALLY ready) and see amazing results before the summer hits, today is the last day to grab Joel Marion’s Xtreme Fat Loss Diet at $30 off the regular price.
How to lose 25 lbs in 25 days <------- THIS IS THE TIME TO DO IT!

Remember you also receive a coaching video from me to ensure you know exactly how to follow the program and guarantee maximum results.
I filmed a complete coaching video for all of my readers that decide to take Joel’s “25 lbs in 25 day challenge”.  I will explain exactly how to follow his plan, in what I think, is the best way possible to still lose weight in a healthy way. I’ll go through any modifications I think are necessary and exactly how I would make those modifications.  I’ll also show you how to transition into a plan that is going to be your easy long term solution so you can keep that weight off.  Sound good to you?

Don't forget to send me the receipt of your purchase to receive a bonus video from me.

Once you have purchased Joel’s program, please do the following.  

1.        Email your receipt to info@thedietsolutionprogram.com with "Joel’s Bonus" in the subject line.

2.       You will be given a link that will take you to a private page where the video will be.

Simple right?  Purchase Joel’s program and then get your bonus coaching video from me.

If you decide you are ready to take on the 25 day challenge, take a look at Joel’s program and let me coach you through it.

How to lose 25 lbs in 25 days <------- Let me Coach you through It

Oh, and if it doesn't work for you? YOU GET YOUR MONEY BACK. Your results are GUARANTEED, or you get a refund.

In health and happiness,

Isabel De Los Rios
Certified Nutritionist
Certified Exercise Specialist
Author of TheDietSolutionProgram.com

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